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Obviously, I've been spending a lot of time with my wife and son during this isolation time. Before he was born, I started compiling a playlist for him to listen to while I tried to get him to go to sleep. It's definitely grown over the last three years, so here's a consolidated version of that playlist. I definitely take a lot of pride in not letting him listen to some hokey kids album to fall asleep. Some parents define early success for their child by catching a ball or singing the alphabet for the first time. I define early parenting success by my son requesting to listen to "Blackbird" when it's time to go to sleep.
I've got some great, mellow tracks from some of the all-timers and a few that I slipped in by some artists a lot of folks might not know. I know I probably shouldn't let him listen to "It Is So Nice To Get Stoned" by Ted Lucas, but you listen to that song and tell me you don't want to fall asleep on a cloud somewhere!