Pro Tip: Head over to, log into your account, then come back here to listen to the full tracks from all our tastemaker playlists.

When I need cheering up, I make playlists.
A few weeks ago, when things got real with the Coronavirus, I made one and it got me thinking about how much I’d love to listen to other people’s in our industry. What songs would they need to get through Isolation? Kind of like that game, ‘who would you sit next to at a dinner party if you could invite anyone’.
I floated the idea with some close friends and it was a resounding ‘YES!’, so ISOLATION RADIO STATION was greenlit.
This is such a unique situation. We’re all in this together and music is so good at bringing us together.
It’s about sharing music that has meaning to us with others, getting a little emotional, feeling a little nostalgic and having a dance at the end of the day, albeit by ourselves in our homes!