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Pro Tip: Head over to, log into your account, then come back here to listen to the full tracks from all our tastemaker playlists.

James Cooper
Director – Rocket Science Music

It’s fair to say it’s been a surreal year and a strange time for everyone in lockdown. It took me a while to get used to working from home - balancing bonus time with my kids and getting stuff done. Music has definitely helped to keep us all sane and so I looked back at the tracks I’ve been listening to on heavy rotation and also a few new ones from the likes of Rival Consoles, Sebastian Tellier and Jamie xx.
I didn’t really have a theme in mind for the playlist but listening back the tracks are all quite introspective and mellow. Hopefully a positive sign that I’ve taken this time to be more calm. Then IDLES dropped their latest single Mr Motivator last week so I thought what better way to end the playlist than with an intense burst of energy…. Here’s to better times ahead! Stay safe everyone.