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Jeri Slater
Agency Executive Producer, Freelance

During this isolation, I’m so grateful to be able to take the time to truly appreciate every little thing & everyone. I realize, that we really need very little material things to live our lives.
The only thing that really matters is love & service - being there for each other & nurturing our planet. And that means making sure that ALL of us Earth's inhabitants are taken care of with their basics.
I know we have a lot of work to do to make the necessary changes & I believe we can all do our part.
In celebration of Earth Day, I compiled together some of my all time favorite songs with some other great jams that can help to uplift, wake us up, love one another & the planet. I called it “Get Woke-Earth Day Celebration”. The earth doesn’t need us, but we sure do need her. I hope & pray we will treat her & the animals better than we have before. Excuse the french, in the one called Earth, but that one makes the strong point in a comedic, yet direct & beautiful way. I hope you will listen & enjoy! With much love, Jeri xo