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Pro Tip: Head over to, log into your account, then come back here to listen to the full tracks from all our tastemaker playlists.

Jessica Gramuglia
Music Supervisor at Condé Nast

This was such a fun list to put together! If we want to change the world, we need to know the world, so why not start by listening to a global music selection?
If I had to pick a favorite song, right now it would be "Good Times" by Ghali. He's an Italian artist that I absolutely love and this new single is addictive; I dare you not to dance this!
When you remove how scary these current times are, you start to see this pause as a gift. It is really easy to get lost in thoughts like, 'when will I see my family again', but I've been trying to instead use this time to better myself. To me, this looks like playing my uke more, painting, drawing, learning to run, taking online classes, reading books, etc. I have to stay positive so I can proactively participate in the revolution for justice, equality, and anti-racism.