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Pro Tip: Head over to, log into your account, then come back here to listen to the full tracks from all our tastemaker playlists.

Lora Gape
Music Executive at ITV Studios

Not long now until we can do things, go places and see loved ones again.. but until then, here’s a little playlist I’ve curated for you. I’ve mixed a few old gems with some new tunes I’ve come across during this whirlwind of a year. Songs you can chill to, dance around to, or simply have on in the background while you’re doing something really mundane.
Jamie xx - Gosh because it still gives me goosebumps every time, The Cure - Just Like Heaven because it has the best opening verse of a song ever written, and something by Pulp because of my new strange obsession with Jarvis Cocker.
Happy listening!