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Pro Tip: Head over to, log into your account, then come back here to listen to the full tracks from all our tastemaker playlists.

Michael Petrucelly
Senior Producer, Freelance

I recently moved to Los Angeles and have been settling into isolation mode feeling fortunate that I have music to listen to, books to read, and cinema to watch to help me through these anxious, uncertain times.
I've had more free time on my hands than usual and have started writing screenplays again which has been great to keep the creative brain active and away from constantly checking the news and social media. I'm currently working on a project about Jackson C. Frank and you can listen to his timeless song, "Blues Run The Game" on my playlist.
My playlist is kind of all over the map and a good example of the music I've been listening to these days.
I've got some Cumbia on there from Quantic and Los Angeles Azules. These tracks ("Como Te Voy A Olvidar" and "Cumbia Sobre El Mar" sound especially good with Micheladas in the afternoon. It's the sound of chilling and not stressing.
I'm a big Black Marble fan and this track, "Feels," sounds like loneliness and empty streets.
Really digging the new Strokes record and "At The Door" for the minimalism.
Lana Del Rey's "Doin Time" sounds like LA sunshine and takes what is a pretty lame song by Sublime and makes it sound sublime.
I've always been into hip-hop and I just started listening to Nipsey Hussle since I moved to LA so I threw "Blue Laces 2" on there. The lyrics are strong on this one.
The National's, "All The Wine" is on there and is pretty self-explanatory.
Hope you enjoy and these tracks help you through these challenging times like they've helped me.