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Pro Tip: Head over to, log into your account, then come back here to listen to the full tracks from all our tastemaker playlists.

Richard Lewisohn
Managing Director, Mount Pleasant Studio

This is not a short playlist, but then a lot of us have time to listen at length to music for the first time since we were teenagers. It’s eclectic, but hopefully not jarring. It includes two of the greatest tracks by late lamented Covid-19 victim and genius songwriter Adam Schlesinger, of Fountains of Wayne and Ivy. Plenty of uplifting music as well, including some (mainly 20th century) classical music. And given the time of year and what we’re going through, listening to 25 minutes of Copland's Appalachian Spring is a welcome distraction as well as a rewarding experience. As is listening to Grandmaster Flash, of course.